Metsäkädet luontoseikkailut Kainuussa ja Pohjois-Karjalassa


Handcrafting excursions

Forestmacrame and jewellery making

On macramé excursions you will learn the basics of macramé making, make a small wall hanging using macramé techniques and enjoy the beautiful Finnish forest and lake scenery. Excursions are for beginners in macramé, who want clear instructions on how to make basic knots and how to use them. It is also suitable for those who already know some basic macramé knots, but want a refresher on these skills and/or to learn what things to consider when you make macramé outdoors.

On jewellery and hike excursions, you can assemble and design your own unique jewellery in stunning nature surroundings. Maybe the nature around you will inspire you to create something unique!

The main idea of the excursions is to stop in the middle of nature and focusing on both the craft and the sounds of nature around you. All the senses are stimulated in this event and there is a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life
and worries.

Book your summer handcraft excursions below!

Wilderness excursions 


At its best, snowshoeing is a feeling of freedom, genuine joy and discovering your inner child! When you walk in the deep snow, you can forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life, forget about accomplishment and just be present surrounded by pure white snow. Metsäkädet snowsoeing excursions are suitable for adults and children alike, if you want to stop and observe nature, hear stories about the area and its wildlife and perhaps discover a new, more relaxed perspective on snowshoeing. Everyday life is often a chore, snowshoeing doesn't have to be!

Sotkamo, Kainuu, Finland

Please note! Excursions are booked via the Äksyt ämmät tour operator's website, which you can access via the Book button.